

Author: Alexis BRENON, Date: 2017-12-05

What is it?

ARCADES stands for Adaptive Reinforced Context-Aware Deep Decision System. It is, at the same time, a proof a concept of using Deep Q-Network for decision making in smart-home, and a library implementing deep reinforcement learning.

For more informations, let's refer to these publications:

How to use it?

This repository is composed of different branches. The master branch contains most of the source code:

  • The arcades folder contains the code of the library.
  • The assets folder contains some binary files used by the code.
  • The data folder contains some real data.
  • The public folder contains the generated documentation (if any).
  • More folders will come with different tools like tsne or deepdream.
  • Many scripts, detailed below.

The xp/* branches are related to an experiment. Most of the time they are closed with a tag (and if not, they should) allowing reproducibility of the experiments.

At the root of the repository, you can find some scripts (shell or Lua ones). Here is a brief description of each:

  • try to install all dependencies (listed in Dependencies) required
  • main.lua load ARCADES and launch an experiment given its arguments. ARCADES should be updated to rely on a configuration file (JSON or so) to avoid these tricky parsing and instantiations.
  • run.lua is a wrapper, which builds a well formed arguments list and finally calls main.lua.
  • expe_template.lua is a template file used to create experiments. It defines parameters and then call run.lua.
  • debug.lua is an instance of the expe_template, used to... Debug?
  • test.lua is an instance of the expe_template used to test code (short experiment).
  • run multiple experiment and changing training and testing sets each time.
  • looks for experiment results in a directory and build a resulting metrics file.

Finally, the config.ld file is the configuration file of the LDoc utility used to build the documentation.


This project rely on dependencies installed by the script. Some are Lua libraries, such as:

  • torch: The neural network framework.
  • hash: hashing functions (distributed by Torch).

Others are C libraries that you have to install yourself: